Worthy.Bible » YLT » Isaiah » Chapter 56 » Verse 1

Isaiah 56:1 Young's Literal Translation (YLT)

1 Thus said Jehovah: `Keep ye judgment, and do righteousness, For near `is' My salvation to come, And My righteousness to be revealed.'

Cross Reference

Matthew 3:2 YLT

and saying, `Reform, for come nigh hath the reign of the heavens,'

Psalms 85:9 YLT

Only, near to those fearing Him `is' His salvation, That honour may dwell in our land.

Isaiah 26:7-8 YLT

The path for the righteous `is' uprightness, O upright One, The path of the righteous Thou dost ponder. Also, `in' the path of Thy judgments, O Jehovah, we have waited `for' Thee, To Thy name and to Thy remembrance `Is' the desire of the soul.

Romans 13:11-14 YLT

And this, knowing the time, that for us, the hour already `is' to be aroused out of sleep, for now nearer `is' our salvation than when we did believe; the night did advance, and the day came nigh; let us lay aside, therefore, the works of the darkness, and let us put on the armour of the light; as in day-time, let us walk becomingly; not in revellings and drunkennesses, not in chamberings and lasciviousnesses, not in strife and emulation; but put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and for the flesh take no forethought -- for desires.

Romans 10:6-10 YLT

and the righteousness of faith doth thus speak: `Thou mayest not say in thine heart, Who shall go up to the heaven,' that is, Christ to bring down? or, `Who shall go down to the abyss,' that is, Christ out of the dead to bring up. But what doth it say? `Nigh thee is the saying -- in thy mouth, and in thy heart:' that is, the saying of the faith, that we preach; that if thou mayest confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and mayest believe in thy heart that God did raise him out of the dead, thou shalt be saved, for with the heart doth `one' believe to righteousness, and with the mouth is confession made to salvation;

Romans 1:17 YLT

For the righteousness of God in it is revealed from faith to faith, according as it hath been written, `And the righteous one by faith shall live,'

Isaiah 55:7 YLT

Forsake doth the wicked his way, And the man of iniquity his thoughts, And he returneth to Jehovah, and He pitieth him, And unto our God for He multiplieth to pardon.

Isaiah 51:5 YLT

Near `is' My righteousness, Gone out hath My salvation and Mine arms, Peoples they judge, on Me isles do wait, Yea, on Mine arm they do wait with hope.

Isaiah 46:13 YLT

I have brought near My righteousness, It is not far off, And My salvation -- it doth not tarry, And I have given in Zion salvation, To Israel My glory!

Isaiah 1:16-19 YLT

Wash ye, make ye pure, Turn aside the evil of your doings, from before Mine eyes, Cease to do evil, learn to do good. Seek judgment, make happy the oppressed, Judge the fatherless, strive `for' the widow. Come, I pray you, and we reason, saith Jehovah, If your sins are as scarlet, as snow they shall be white, If they are red as crimson, as wool they shall be! If ye are willing, and have hearkened, The good of the land ye consume,

Psalms 50:23 YLT

He who is sacrificing praise honoureth Me, As to him who maketh a way, I cause him to look on the salvation of God!

Psalms 24:4-6 YLT

The clean of hands, and pure of heart, Who hath not lifted up to vanity his soul, Nor hath sworn to deceit. He beareth away a blessing from Jehovah, Righteousness from the God of his salvation. This `is' a generation of those seeking Him. Seeking Thy face, O Jacob! Selah.

John 7:17 YLT

if any one may will to do His will, he shall know concerning the teaching, whether it is of God, or -- I do speak from myself.

Luke 3:3-9 YLT

and he came to all the region round the Jordan, proclaiming a baptism of reformation -- to remission of sins, as it hath been written in the scroll of the words of Isaiah the prophet, saying, `A voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, straight make ye His paths; every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be made low, and the crooked shall become straightness, and the rough become smooth ways; and all flesh shall see the salvation of God.' Then said he to the multitudes coming forth to be baptised by him, `Brood of vipers! who did prompt you to flee from the coming wrath? make, therefore, fruits worthy of the reformation, and begin not to say within yourselves, We have a father -- Abraham; for I say to you, that God is able out of these stones to raise children to Abraham; and already also the axe unto the root of the trees is laid, every tree, therefore, not making good fruit is cut down, and to fire it is cast.'

Mark 1:15 YLT

and saying -- `Fulfilled hath been the time, and the reign of God hath come nigh, reform ye, and believe in the good news.'

Matthew 4:17 YLT

From that time began Jesus to proclaim and to say, `Reform ye, for come nigh hath the reign of the heavens.'

Jeremiah 7:3-11 YLT

Thus said Jehovah of Hosts, God of Israel, Amend your ways, and your doings, And I cause you to dwell in this place. Do not trust for yourselves Unto the words of falsehood, saying, The temple of Jehovah, the temple of Jehovah, The temple of Jehovah `are' they! For, if ye do thoroughly amend your ways and your doings, If ye do judgment thoroughly Between a man and his neighbour, Sojourner, fatherless, and widow, ye oppress not, And innocent blood do not shed in this place, And after other gods do not walk, for evil to yourselves, Then I have caused you to dwell in this place, In the land that I gave to your fathers, From age even unto age. Lo, ye are trusting for yourselves On the words of falsehood, so as not to profit. Stealing, murdering, and committing adultery, And swearing to falsehood, and giving perfume to Baal, And going after other gods whom ye knew not. And ye have come in and stood before Me, In this house on which My name is called, And have said, `We have been delivered,' In order to do all these abominations. A den of burglars hath this house, On which My name is called, been in your eyes? Even I, lo, I have seen, an affirmation of Jehovah.

Malachi 4:4 YLT

Remember ye the law of Moses My servant, That I did command him in Horeb, For all Israel -- statutes and judgments.

Commentary on Isaiah 56 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Isa 56:1-12. The Preparation Needed on the Part of Those Who Wish to Be Admitted to the Kingdom of God.

1. judgment—equity. John the Baptist preached similarly a return to righteousness, as needed to prepare men for Messiah's first coming (Lu 3:3, 8-14). So it shall be before the second coming (Mal 4:4-6).

near to come—(Mt 3:2; 4:17), also as to the second coming (Isa 62:10, 11; Lu 21:28, 31; Ro 13:11, 12; Heb 10:25).

righteousness—answering to "salvation" in the parallel clause; therefore it means righteousness which bringeth salvation (Isa 46:13; Ro 3:25, 26).

2. (Lu 12:43).

the man—Hebrew, enosh, "a man in humble life," in contradistinction to Hebrew, ish, "one of high rank." Even the humblest, as "the stranger" and "the eunuch" (Isa 56:4, 6), are admissible to these privileges.

this … it—what follows: "keeping the Sabbath," &c. (Isa 58:13, 14; Eze 20:12). A proof that the Sabbath, in the spirit of its obligation, was to be binding under the Gospel (Isa 66:23). That gospel times are referred to is plain, from the blessing not being pronounced on the man who observed the sacrificial ritual of the Jewish law.

layeth hold—image from one grasping firmly some precious object which he is afraid of having forcibly snatched from him. The "Sabbath" here includes all the ordinances of divine worship under the new gospel law.

keepeth … hand … from … evil—The observance of the second table of the law; as the "Sabbath" referred to the first table. Together, they form the whole duty of man, the worship of God and a holy life.

3. God welcomes all believers, without distinction of persons, under the new economy (Ac 10:34, 35).

joined … to … Lord—(Nu 18:4, 7). "Proselytes."

separated—Proselytes from the Gentiles were not admitted to the same privileges as native Israelites. This barrier between Jews and Gentiles was to be broken down (Eph 2:14-16).

eunuch—(Ac 8:27, &c.). Eunuchs were chamberlains over harems, or court ministers in general.

dry tree—barren (compare Lu 23:31); not admissible into the congregation of Israel (De 23:1-3). Under the Gospel the eunuch and stranger should be released from religious and civil disabilities.

4. please me—sacrifice their own pleasure to mine.

take hold—so "layeth hold" (see on Isa 56:2).

5. in mine house—the temple, the emblem of the Church (1Ti 3:15). They shall no longer be confined as proselytes were, to the outer court, but shall be admitted "into the holiest" (Heb 10:19, 20).

a place—literally, "a hand."

than of sons—Though the eunuch is barren of children (Isa 56:3), I will give him a more lasting name than that of being father of sons and daughters (regarded as a high honor among the Hebrews) (Joh 1:12; 10:3; 1Jo 3:1; Re 2:17; 3:12).

6. join … Lord—(Jer 50:6). Conditions of admission to the privileges of adoption.

7. Even them—(Eph 2:11-13).

to my holy mountain—Jerusalem, the seat of the Lord's throne in His coming kingdom (Isa 2:2; Jer 3:17).

joyful—(Ro 5:11).

burnt offerings … sacrifices—spiritual, of which the literal were types (Ro 12:1; Heb 13:15; 1Pe 2:5).

accepted—(Eph 1:6).

altar—(Heb 13:10), spiritually, the Cross of Christ, which sanctifies our sacrifices of prayer and praise.

house … for all people—or rather, "peoples." No longer restricted to one favored people (Mal 1:11; Joh 4:21, 23; 1Ti 2:8). To be fully realized at the second coming (Isa 2:2-4). No longer literal, but spiritual sacrifice, namely, "prayer" shall be offered (Ps 141:2; 51:17; Mal 1:11; Mt 21:13).

8. Jehovah will not only restore the scattered outcasts of Israel (Isa 11:12; Ps 147:2) to their own land, but "will gather others ('strangers') to him (Israel), besides those gathered" (Margin, "to his gathered"; that is, in addition to the Israelites collected from their dispersion), (Joh 10:16; Eph 1:10; 2:19).

9. beasts—Gentile idolatrous nations hostile to the Jews, summoned by God to chastise them (Jer 12:7-9; 50:17; Eze 34:5): the Chaldeans and subsequently the Romans. The mention of the "outcasts of Israel" (Isa 56:8) brings in view the outcasting, caused by the sins of their rulers (Isa 56:10-12).

to devour—namely, Israel.

10. His watchmen—Israel's spiritual leaders (Isa 62:6; Eze 3:17).

dumb dogs—image from bad shepherds' watchdogs, which fail to give notice, by barking, of the approach of wild beasts.

blind—(Mt 23:16).

sleeping, lying down—rather, "dreamers, sluggards" [Lowth]. Not merely sleeping inactive, but under visionary delusions.

loving to slumber—not merely slumbering involuntarily, but loving it.

11. greedy—literally, "strong" (that is, insatiable) in appetite (Eze 34:2, 3; Mic 3:11).

cannot understand—unable to comprehend the wants of the people, spiritually: so Isa 56:10, "cannot bark."

look to … own way—that is, their own selfish interests; not to the spiritual welfare of the people (Jer 6:13; Eze 22:27).

from his quarter—rather, "from the highest to the lowest" [Lowth]. "From his quarter"; that is, from one end to the other of them, one and all (Ge 19:4).

12. fetch wine—language of the national teachers challenging one another to drink. Barnes translates, "I will take another cup" (Isa 5:11).

to-morrow, &c.—Their self-indulgence was habitual and intentional: not merely they drink, but they mean to continue so.